TM12 X10 Transceiver Module

TM12 X10 Transceiver Module

The TM12U is an X10 module with an RF receiver for RF control of household X10 modules. The TM12U receives the automation commands from a hand held remote control, and converts the signal into the X10 protocol, and then transmits the X10 command to the device that has been coammaned by the remote control. The TM12U plugs into a 230 Volts, 50 Hz mains electrical socket.


See Also

LM10 Light Module | AM10 Appliance Module | CM12/13 Computer Module | TM12/13 Transmitter Module | LM15 Socket Module | MT12 Mini Timer | MS12/13 Motion Sensor | HR10 Remote Control | AW12 Micro Appliance Module | LW12 Micro Dimming Module | SM10 "Powerflash" Module | X10 Chime Module | TW7223 Mains Interface